Evolutions of the Bloodsucker: A Brief History of the Vampire
Intertwining the divine with the damned.
Throughout this portfolio of works, the intricate weaving between religious/superstitious belief and the myths surrounding vampires, vampirism, and other such creatures are analyzed. Though the myths surrounding the creatures of the night may be linked to archaic or premodern folklore, the modern adaptations of which, namely stemming from such works of literature as Sheridan La Fanu’s Carmilla and Bram Stoker’s Dracula, have strengthened these associations and ties of the two subjects even further than before. Modern adaptations of the vampire have become so involved with religion, that the very imagery of vampirism has become both simultaneously as the antithesis of what one should aim to be, or embodying pious and godly values, and as an allegory of the divine itself. Though many may think of the vampire as just another piece of folklore from antiquity, but in actuality, as expressed throughout this website, has become quite intertwined with religious and superstitious belief, and has only continued to do so as time as passed.